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During the last quarter of the full year class, students learn about various sculptural techniques as well as other art-making techniques such as printmaking. 

Students learn about the sculptor, Alexander Calder, and how he used and manipulated wire to create works of art. With Calder in mind, students create their own animals using wire. This project is challenging because wire can be difficult to manipulate and it also requires students to problem solve in order to figure out how to create something three-dimensional using an almost two dimensional material. Click on the "Wire Sculpture" button to see the instructional PDF. 

Students learn about how to manipulate cardboard, newspaper, and other found objects to create a three dimensional "mask" which we call, Big Heads. This project involves a lot of problem solving and trial and error as well as communicating with partners and classmates in order to be successful. Students find this project challenging but very rewarding because the final products are comical and one of a kind. Click on the "Paper Maché" button to see the instrucitonal PDF.

Students are given the opportunity to explore the world of printmaking by creating their own linoleum block print artwork. This project shows students how to plan as well as properly carve, apply ink, and transfer the image to paper. Compositional drawing principles including foreground, middleground, background, texture, perspective, etc. is expected in their block prints. Students can also choose what ink color as well as blending colors to create something that is unique and visually interesting. Click on the "Printmaking" button to see the instructional PDF. The yellow button is a PowToon showing the tools used to create block prints. 

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